2020 defines a period in time like no other. Events that have transpired have pushed us, our cultures, our governments, and companies into uncomfortable, and important dialogues. FCA recognizes that maintaining some aspects of our current business strategy is not stainable.
As students of Academy of Art University, we were requested to redefine a new Stellantis brand that reflects on the learnings of 2020, promoting Stellantis as a steward of global social and economic sustainability.
The main issue we are tackling is humans becoming more disjointed.
Nowadays, staying remote became a new lifestyle. Being lonely, unplugging from work, and collaborating with others are the biggest struggles from this issue. And as people getting more disconnected, the depression rate obviously skyrocketed.
01 Baker Beach. People rest in the vehicle or talking to friends to enjoy the sunset at the same moment.
02 Mission Dolores Park. There are groups of different numbers of people doing different activities but at the same location.
People are sharing their moments together. We thought that bringing people together due to modern human disconnection was our concept.
So how can we help society and bring people together? What are some fitting mobile solutions?
Our goal is to create a connecting communal platform and reconnecting humanity.
For this project, we will create a mobile community system, a community center, and a holographic universal digital interface.
Based on our concept - human connection, we brainstormed potential solutions before finally narrowing them down to the final community concept.
From the research and affinity mapping, I use SMART Matrix to visualize the main features we will add to the community concept.
We explore ideas together, and sketch seperately.
This project was a great opportunity to collaborate with designers from different areas including industrial, interior, fashion, and graphic in every stage of design. By planning and executing the entire design process and pitching my ideas every week, I learned how to ‘visualize’ my concept quickly and effectively to people who are not familiar with UX design.
The other thing I learned from this project is how could we value technology in our future world? The first idea that came to my mind is from the Lead designer of Stellantis, we use technology, but not dominated by technology. As a designer, this is very important to utilize the power of technology.